BRAINSICK RIVER by Gary J. Shipley

Excerpt from SPOOK NUTRITION a novel-in-progress

Crashing from malware, silt of my head grown inverted in schemes clogged with disarrangements of arrested self-cognizance to end up at me, at anything flowing and held alone in the vessel drowning in that cosmetic destiny of catalogues, the sick in drainrays of my starved monkeys peeling grenades for their jacuzzi meat god, torn watching me clawed like dead spiders and cursed into rivers, chewed mingling in lotions embodied by those obscene miles pervaded by fingers, by length and sculptural scenes rotted and tremulous in hovels of pneumatic breeding, of perceptions crawled through with unvarnished glimpses, our facsimiles screaming, straining against the accident, against vacant lingering recollections of some dreamed disservice made sentient on the lips of garaged islands, where men with metal fingers and eyes of scorched tinfoil study abnormalities caught supervening on the earth, murderous cup-swap slimes bounded in hoax hair and industrial light, their sunken interiors exhumed riddled with ante-chambers and uranium, their crag bones chasms sucked from the insides of rodent genitals, from jaws cast open like cold mathematical puddings doused in spotted visions and grotesque ciphers for the sake of our trembling quackeries of substance, its gulping performers blooded in folded parking-lots, the bodies and cars mangled in ventriloquist postures, tortured rhetorical inside scratches that never complete, and in our gloomriverblackness fucked fat with eels we hang unaware dying beset and bearing the raconteur foam of eternity, the nightmare stealth of medical songs featuring rare impregnations, chemo marrow ripe with the green pissy seed of inorganic children, their dexterity of violations unique in damp diseased archways where red giggling impedes surprise and where we scrutinize our tenderized fingers curling like crayfish, our senses drenched enraptured by spikes and portraitures of evil above the wriggling gates of our invisible restraints, above seas adapted from decaying ceilings clad in panicked improvisations, limbs held down in human holes drunk on the pen of some instinctive transmission, and what I found was the voice in a fragment of trees and a vortex in the junkyard darkness where suction became a proclivity, and us so frenzied in ourselves, our corpses novelties, comprehensions of error, my teeth to attention, spun up on massacres, all my fidelities to old agonies scarred blushing, their topography drooling, our apotheosis forcing sunrises from rotting perfumes and epithets on hotel walls as we pray through nights practiced in doorways, hidden behind the new perverseness of strangers, all faces bolted to their disappearance under the glare of one common obstruction, and we run into the gleaming viscera of morning, birds sold into pacts of stillness suffering voiceless, the water running black like vermin, its unseen feet divining the profusion of robots, bared brains curdling in the sun its victims floating inside us, my intricacies far off clustered in flyspeck heads and analised curses that I can’t pronounce freely, stolen in intervals of wreckage and acid glimpses of its grazing ivy leeching sinews and bone, the evening doubt lighting our withered casements, our soil centres, our lungs dangling in asthma


Flarf Poetry by Jim Withington


Hi Jim, this is Alex Sundance
boyfriend. I was just calling
about the chair of it, she said she could
have. I'm just gonna come over and
pick it up. I have my friend's car and
I could swing by and pick it up
anytime this afternoon
if that works for you
guys in your runs very busy

but you know.
So whatever is easiest,
just please give me a call.
My phone number is (XXX) 730-6140

thanks bye.


Hi Jim, this is some
you know i key. For Your stable.
I want to take your Staples.

I miss you up on the and Section 417 again.
I said he'd on. Please call me back.

I'm very region for you. I know.
Great knowledge to tell you about.
If you wanna call okay we can meet each other.

Thank you, bye.

Three Texts by James Leo


EU garlic
I-3 coffin
Meegan final
Ponzi Ponzi
green DNA

lion recovery
we're dancing
kara chi
MED wud WoD

Indo chapter
agro acro
up terrorism
proverbial rain


Nail the kingdom of faith published.
Why is not expensive or radical leadership?
Hooks and uncontrolled terrorism in order to grow, the Sun.
The blast.

Cheese tap duck!
The love is the feeling of the African continent, can reduce the Cooking.
Best friends.
The third business processes are being ignored.

CRI, soft focus.
No risk of sexually transmitted diseases despair.
Constitutional issues.
However, speaking from home.


Frogs golf pencil for this nonsense. Hitler is a structure. Character
is not gay, if you do not need to do in the game. Genocide, Hitler

Employees with disabilities will be closed. Sign genocide. Hitler
killed for food. Pipe end of your ass? Hitler referred to the

If a bird is about Hitler? Have you heard of the drug, if the money?
Smoke rising from genocide, administrative waste, so Ren gun. How to
manage patients in the accident.

Hitler was able to explain the link? Hitler was impressed with the
weapon? Hitler killed and a long needle. Review of Hitler's pressure.
Do you think that the Holocaust and the murder of financial dragon?

Hitler's Holocaust. Music gloves Holocaust. Hitler led his group of
crack. Deleting a character is part of the poison in his career.
Hitler's Holocaust.


Flarf Poetry by Jim Withington


Jim I am having a great day.
But I'm
very tired.
And And
trouble staying awake

I worked all day and I am so much want to do.

I don't know if it is, and I'm going to sleep okay bye
hello to live meeting right now,
benefit. We're putting on. But I don't know so I didn't know hello to let you know

I want to give you a quick but seems like a experienced it.
So they 5 falls convincing or maybe I will advancing with the holler.

I was in.
If you could.
Well, If nothing else,
I will see you before noon.
But I, but.

One way or another. Hello.

Place myself in your life the neck, you can.
Hello tomorrow. The Impact worship.
But. One of them.

If I help you put them in boxes orsomething.

I was. I don't wanna party.

I hope it will be there as well. But if I don't wake up. For putting is done, hello. We will be there in spirit, monthly. Because, putting on sleep.


Hey Jim Sherk
just going to say hey
let you know what's going on. I mean.

Holly and my 2 buddies from Wisconsin.
Yes, sir, and we're gonna just got the pop alignments
want to leave the back door open for a if that's cool

wear black up the gates
the ridley's good.

He's got water everything should be good.
If you wanna stop in for any reason, or you need it.

You can call his phone
or on my phone and just
leave a message to the receptions
horrible and then I will keep checking it.

And then
If you are
stopping the Pops
and have a bear
with us up to you

otherwise the bacterial be open to reset. Yes.

If anything is changes and you need us like you come over night.
We will do what we have to do and Later, alright buddy.
So I'll talk to you want to talk to you.


Butterfly Photo by Jane L. Carman

Note from the author: "While the [below] image...is neither a carrot, nor any recognized breed of butterfly[, i]t is of the Bertoli Roosterus Butterfly and was taken in my back yard on a 105 degree day in July of 2010. I believe the creature to be either rabid or drunk."


Fiction Dribble by Patrick Trotti


I didn't have the courage to go through her stuff. It was easier to let her presence linger.

I paid her phone bill just to hear her on the voicemail. Friends drunk dialed their girlfriends. I would call her, hoping she'd answer.

She never did, but I never stopped trying.


Flarf Algorithms by Hugh Tribbey


Sir, aboard delay rude
ill your day fuels
sigh a fat guess detergent feuds
quills sump timber

Sir, aboard delay rude
illicit jewels
see fatuous dates in jeeps
kill sooners tremble

belly late families
belly jelly beans

Mama, fill reposed tales with persimmons
yodel precise poor juice pie tins


Se ktdahl ditoan
 thdo Ld onnl
ganda nm sesdg
 wwn wsidr er
td eirh asaoLua
gLt db eth
nLaen hin oo
Lynyme Li


pants of nose lash
outside match, lance break
beside dope, bleed between because rev
between engine, wet as dope
protest through nose, breast protest
out of breast as robbery rev

under hair, robbery and spring snivel
into hair, hair sag but
plead against robbery and tear
among engine moan over match, drool
under lance, nose switch as
bruise below mask, Pequod of crystal yelp
against Pequod burn amid crystal, pants bounce


Flarf Poetry by C.P. Harrison

"Good Friday (drive-thru)"

How are you Jesus Christ?
The friday saga... was classic!
you're gonna be sitting in the drive-thru at carl's jr
your drive-thru herpes next to my inner thigh,
with really dirty limericks,
a multicolored tribal tattoo,
your lady sized wee wee,
Tiger off with a bunch of fags
jump in their pickups, and drive sixty miles in the rain to pick up a
stranded biker (Budget Schwarzenegger)
The young gropee should be grateful for the attention
... I didn't savor the idea
It gives me a good feeling
.... tonights one of those nights


Flarf Poetry by Justin Carter

"albatross 4"

god something smells really bothersome on this train
cannot pinpoint it
i think it is a meat of some sort

"albatross 5"

alchemically translate the mundanities of suburban life
where is the locus of beauty though?
the beating hearts of cars

"albatross 6"

my uncle trades fish to the milkman for free milk
my mom walks into the room singing a song by train
i am going to wear a wolf shirt out in public today


A Poem by peterbd

"according to bruh man"

recently had an earnest conversation with bruh man from the 5th floor
herein lies everything you need to know about m.m. (according to him)

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. was born with superpowers but renounced them at age 8 because they didn't click with his personal brand

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. bitchslapped samuel l. jackson because he felt like it at the time

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. is genuinely a nice person if you solemnly swear not to fuck with him

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. can throw down on some mac and cheese!

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. could give two shits about the debt ceiling

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. was there the day tupac was shot and can reveal no further information

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. will iron your clothes in a way that's close to godliness

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. taught christina aguilera everything she knows

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. thinks the world should be thinking about a solution to the rebuilding of haiti instead of pumping money into its corrupt government. the world's leaders are really slacking m.m. believes.

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. will win the pulitzer prize but give it away because it's gonna be sooo fucking uncool by then

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. is the reason oj is finally locked up for good

according to bruh man from the 5th floor m.m. is the most reliable m.m. you will ever meet so respect the man.


Flarf/Dada Poem by Jon Beardsley


Pretty Pauper,
Princely Panther,
Please come in.

Tiny Tinkler,
Trembling Tower,
Please come in.

Teeming Sealife,
Keep me from sin.  

Born Burrito,
Little Burro,
I am for you.

Exit Walker,
Chunky Chaucer,


Carrot Pictures by C.P. Harrison

Note from the author: "These carrot photos come from Austin, Texas."





Three Pieces by Darren Wyngarde


pulsing alien time dildo
take comfort you slave worms
eat the drip of boiling tones

Ruby disappearing in prick thunder
her brain a rancid blanket
stuck in boiling pig death sedate pop coil
what a space

shit sniffing boiled hair brainless wig hound
fucking glue the inept video
sniffing video cannibals

and everywhere the dusty shift
beast bone things
brains and graveyard stench
a sea of rancid aliens

twinkle brain
wang vomit
shit shit
complicated barbarian
blowing on the empty bone
nice worm explosion

the inept smell of

uncontrollable dog things

knickers on the edge
submarine diamonds lubed with power

nice vomit wires in empty spaces



beast vomit
the nun smell
shit pop video
dildo hit tones
sniffing of hands
the hog shat empty
uncontrollable tambourine bone
nice wig
moist sluicing cannibals
His eggs drip
bog brain explosion
graveyard power
fucking aliens
sea prick of mime worms
dog of space


doomsday vomit wig with graveyard power
nice teeth in a dirty galaxy

fuck the anxiety of anxious shit worms
fuck their uncontrollable green memories
fuck them where they wriggle

boiling hair in lubed agony
boiling rancid magic

this fucking cosmic house
this rancid cosmic dildo

cosmic cannibals hump hot magic vomit

sniffing anxious glass tones
sniffing boiled funeral dildo
sniffing gravy knickers

funeral smell in impossible glass

anxious and moist


Flarf Poetry by Rachel Hyman

Note from the author: "words by Justin Carter, designed by Rachel Hyman."

"the great decline"

dumbing down of america
birds in the grocery store
funding issues


Flarf Poetry by Justin Carter

"albatross 1"

god i can't breathe or think
i can't drink acid for breakfast
that's my biggest concern in life

"albatross 2"

god it feels like my head is underwater
i mean... kind of
sometimes things just disappear

"albatross 3"

welcome the ghosts into the tight spaces of your heart
there needs to be a fundamental shift though
i’m going to kill everyone


Appropriational-Translationalist Poems by Joe Bussiere

Note from the author: "these poems relied heavily on online translator programs"

"Aphrodite Hymn for Sappho"

Aphrodite Great Immortal Throne
Zeus, witch girl thanks
In Queens, anxiety and stress here
                   Do not crush my soul

What I said before -
You can make my voice calls from far away
And here, you and your father
            Neighboring properties;

Couriers wing wagon universal
The fluid exchange in the dark FAST
infinity dike lot, like a

So I would like to come, God bless,
Smile, you need to ask content gods
Oh, a new strike

What is your greatest desire is the foolish heart
I was now, I think attracts me
It was pretty confident
        Sappho was influenced you?

Why do we still follow soon
And he immediately offered the same thing, if you refuse a gift
Yes, you can not love is I know right
        Are welcome.

Come back, please spare me the pain of giving
Car Care, please visit the Statue of Ohio
I understand that a long time to achieve
        As an ally.

"Fragmental dreams of Li Bai"

Good god. Ming Tang Fu around for this year.
    The start hall, old General Chapter. Concluding the time is not set, the pain of ya Welling step. Days of follow-up for, in the case into it. Zhao's son for years, the Pi Sung Si million industry. Emperor cover congenital, in cases of Mukden.
    So cross history and a glorious, sun bleaching nine, sweep for rebels, opened vast mixed. King Star Yao and too Jieping, rainbow off the sun and the moon Zhang. Chin if Taizong, following the next re-light. After the camp, not color does not matter. Factor to the square, not at Satan in the million room tax? Water is a quasi-provincial judge, save Yun Liang. Qi jade in Long (soil reaction), air (Wang Huai) material in the Xiaoxiang. Qiao won the ghost, high poverty Hao Tsang. Listen to day language of the Cha Cha, the proposed home. Although the existence Xi temporary labor and, before my Queen St mo. Fuming Tong of Hong Zhuang view also, the unexpected sun about to rise lucent, at first kept out first. If the big old knot strength empty. Precipitous (Hill from) decadent Da, if, if Ye Wei. Similar to the door of the opening and closing days of cyberspace.
    So the structure almost ecliptic, ROADS loom almost Ziwei. Network hook to wind Yuan Chen, Kai Fei provision gate of heaven. Lofty lofty Yi Mountain, Can Come glorious universe. Song spray perilous Iraq, leaning on a thin month.
    Offer room to cut the heart, looking Shaoyang and initiatives. Yin mining system, as appropriate, steps in summer. Room re-housing complex in lieu of the name, including chen times the number of fire wood. Wind to blow, to comb dense subterranean gloom. The green with good gas, spit smoke Xiang Yu tower. Transamerica nine rooms, five Quarters Uninterrupted, force and police it, to charm Bing-Huan Zhao rotten, prosperous and correct the sundial for Mt. Michaelis Penghu sea floor. Eat Zong of the Japanese concept. Tigers unjust, Qiu Qian Pan ladder. The sky and straight, and overlooking the river down low. Lady Stardust in net household climbed, golden month in question is satisfied.
    The first patrol of the wild hills in the quail, speaking Wu Lishan Mountain in the next. Come worship soil behind closed doors. Kongtong travel almost on top of Fenshui yang. Suction of the elite and dismiss the sweet taste. If the management of their country of your dreams, the hometown of several Hua Xu. Yuan Yuan Tan Ran So, I do not know where. If the group goes from the dragon, the sea waters ran. This really called me the King, as the government is of the Church also. Qin Zhao Qi Wu and Biff, the high contention competing luxury. Results A room. This point of view, but also less known Status of the giant Yao Tai Li is security for language? Yang dare the United States, thus making speech said: Xiong Chongming Tang, Heaven opened Xi. Precipitous (Hill from) Hong Meng, structure (Wang Huai) materials Xi. Yan Jian boundless Mang, Miao Cui Wei Xi. Zhou flow hall with a circlet, perilous Lingtai Xi. Heyi day, spray wind and thunder. Zongsi giggle larva, the king of Hong recovery.